Home Remedy vs. Treatment: Which is Better?

Let a podiatrist check out any foot conditions you may have.

Many of us at some point in our lives will develop a hard spot on the bottom of our foot. It could be a callus, wart, clogged sweat gland, or some other skin disorder. The key is to have a diagnosis before treatment starts. All too often we head to the drugstore and pick up a lotion to apply. A lot of money and time can be spent on trying to deal with a skin problem on the foot. After months of trying to home treat with no results, many will make an appointment with a doctor.


I think what most people are worried about what is involved in the treatment of their condition. Most treatments are easy and painless, but the correct diagnosis is important to focus the treatment plan. This will save you time and money. Most patients are very surprised at the end of their visit and question themselves as to why they waited so long.


If you are diabetic, it is especially important to have your feet inspected. That little hard spot could be the sign that a shoe is rubbing your foot, and those spots can become sores if not properly managed. Often it’s simply finding the right shoe or modifying the current shoe. The key is to get the small stuff checked out before it evolves into a bigger problem.


The doctors and staff at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center are dedicated to helping you and your feet feel and look better. So the next time you notice a problem with your foot, save yourself the headache and expense of trying to deal with the problem on your own and make an appointment.