Bunions: Not a Runner’s Problem Anymore

Running with bunions is possible if you properly care for your feet!

What a Pain

Painful bunions can be a problem for anyone, but runners can really struggle with discomfort due to bunions while trying to get in their miles. The good news is that there are things that can help alleviate the discomfort and keep you running. If discomfort cannot be alleviated, it may be time to see a foot doctor, and we are here to help.

If the Shoe Fits…It Makes All the Difference

Probably the most important aspect of minimizing bunion pain is proper shoe fit. A bunion is a prominence at the big toe joint of the foot. As a bunion develops, shoes may start to rub the side of the foot, causing pain and redness. It is important to head to a running store for your next pair of shoes if this is the case. Having a professional fit you for a properly fitting running shoe can make a huge impact on running pain free.

Pad Your Feet for Extra Pain Relief

There are also a number of pads that can be used to protect the foot from rubbing in shoe gear, as well as toe spacers to help realign the big toe. These devices can help, but only if used consistently. Existing shoes can also be taken to a shoe repair store or pedorthic facility for modification to stretch or split the shoe, to provide more room in the toe box. Anti-inflammatory medicines and pain creams can be helpful in reducing pain. (Before you start taking medicines, however, consult a doctor to see what move is best for you.)

We’re Here for You

If, despite all best efforts you continue to have pain, it’s time to visit a podiatrist. We at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center are here to keep you active and pain free. Make an appointment today and let us develop a plan to allow you to keep logging those miles!

To schedule your appointment, call us at (919) 850-9111 or visit our website to Request an Appointment.