Home Remedy vs. Treatment: Which is Better?

Let a podiatrist check out any foot conditions you may have.

Many of us at some point in our lives will develop a hard spot on the bottom of our foot. It could be a callus, wart, clogged sweat gland, or some other skin disorder. The key is to have a diagnosis before treatment starts. All too often we head to the drugstore and pick up a lotion to apply. A lot of money and time can be spent on trying to deal with a skin problem on the foot. After months of trying to home treat with no results, many will make an appointment with a doctor.


I think what most people are worried about what is involved in the treatment of their condition. Most treatments are easy and painless, but the correct diagnosis is important to focus the treatment plan. This will save you time and money. Most patients are very surprised at the end of their visit and question themselves as to why they waited so long.


If you are diabetic, it is especially important to have your feet inspected. That little hard spot could be the sign that a shoe is rubbing your foot, and those spots can become sores if not properly managed. Often it’s simply finding the right shoe or modifying the current shoe. The key is to get the small stuff checked out before it evolves into a bigger problem.


The doctors and staff at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center are dedicated to helping you and your feet feel and look better. So the next time you notice a problem with your foot, save yourself the headache and expense of trying to deal with the problem on your own and make an appointment.

What Is This Thing On My Foot?!

What is this thing on my foot?

Corns, calluses, warts, blisters, diabetes, skin cancer? The human foot is complex, and this includes the skin. It is not uncommon to have a lump or bump, or an odd discoloration on our feet. These symptoms can reveal lots of information – fungus, dry skin, skin injury, foreign body, or circulation concerns.


Yes, that “little thing on my foot” may be nothing, but it also could be “something”. Come have one of our doctors take a look. We see these kinds of things every day and will be able to help you feel at ease.


We are foot doctors. Let us help your feet!


To schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists, please call our office at (919) 850-9111 or use our online Request an Appointment form. We serve patients from Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest in Wake County, NC and surrounding communities in and around the Raleigh-Durham Area and the rest of North Carolina. Hablamos Español.


At Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center, we are dedicated to giving our patients the information they need to get back on their feet as soon as possible. Our goal is to educate you so that you better understand your foot and ankle injuries. Our informational brochures will help you learn what it takes to be back to the activities you love in no time at all. If you would like your free copies of our brochures, please request your copies here!

Flat Feet Got You Down?

When you stand for long periods of time, do your feet become painful? Maybe they tire easily, or maybe you have pain in your arch or heel. Do you ever experience swelling in the arch or the heel, or have difficulty moving your foot around and standing on your toes? These are all symptoms of flat feet.

Take a look at the bottoms of your feet. What do they look like? Do you have arches to rival McDonald’s, or do they more closely resemble a pancake? Many times, people have had flat feet all their lives, but never felt any pain from them. Sometimes, flat feet can become painful as life goes on. If your flat feet are causing you pain, what is there to do about it?


Flat Feet


First things first: what exactly does it mean to have flat feet?

You may have heard of another term associated with flat feet: pronation. Pronation is what happens when weight-bearing causes your arches to collapse; the inside of your ankle appears to roll toward the ground. There are two types of flat feet that can result in pronation: a flexible flat foot or a structural flat foot. If the arch collapses as the foot hits the ground, this is a flexible flat foot. If the arch stays flat all the time, regardless of the stress the foot is under, this is called a structural, or rigid, flat foot.

So who can have flat feet?

Anybody can have flat feet, whether you’re a child or an adult. The difference is in how it presents itself in each population. Most children with flat feet have a flexible flat foot, which is not usually painful. Generally both of their feet will be flat, but it can be just on one side. We often times prescribe custom inserts to encourage good support to the feet and to alleviate over-stressing certain tendons and ligaments. We also find adults tend to have progressive flat feet, that continue to get worse with age and activity. Custom inserts often times can prevent further stressing of the posterior tibial tendon, a problem which can cause pain and arthritis.

Now that I know about my flat feet, what can I do about them?

There are many ways to treat flat feet. The first thing your doctor will probably do is modify your footwear. Sometimes a simple change in shoes, or an insertion of custom foot orthotics, can make all the difference. An orthotic designed especially for your feet can support your arches and ease that flat-footed pain. If that doesn’t work, there are a number of other treatments available, such as medicines or injections, rest, physical therapy, as well as other treatments. The right treatment for your foot depends on the type of flat foot you have and how much pain it is causing you.


If you’re tired of feet as flat as boards and the pain they cause, come visit us at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center. Here you will find the right treatment and diagnosis for your feet. The doctors at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center will be sure to get you back on your feet (without the pain) as soon as possible!


To schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists, please call our office at (919) 850-9111 or use our online Request an Appointment form. We serve patients from Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest in Wake County, NC and surrounding communities in and around the Raleigh-Durham Area and the rest of North Carolina. Hablamos Español.
At Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center, we are dedicated to giving our patients the information they need to get back on their feet as soon as possible. Our goal is to educate you so that you better understand your foot and ankle injuries. Our informational brochures will help you learn what it takes to be back to the activities you love in no time at all. If you would like your free copies of our brochures, please request your copies here!

The Best Shoe for Your Feet

How to choose the right shoes for your feet

My patients often ask me which is the best running shoe. That is a tough question for me to answer, because as a runner I have my personal preferences. Put enough miles on a shoe, and you will know what I’m talking about. All shoe brands for the most part offer cushioning shoes as well as stability shoes. The key is to get some guidance in how to choose the right shoe.

If you are serious about running and taking care of your feet so you can keep on running, I have some advice. See a foot doctor if you are having foot problems and consider visiting a specialty running store for your next running shoe purchase. It will take trying on a few different pairs of shoes to discover which is the best fit, and fit is key.

Keep in mind that a good shoe does not always equal a high price tag. Too often I hear patients talking about how they don’t buy cheap shoes and always get the more expensive models. Proper fit and the right shoe for your feet is most important; that can be found at many different price points.

Another important point to consider is that running shoes do have a lifespan. Consistent running puts a lot of wear and tear on your shoes. The average shoe lifespan is considered to be 300-500 miles. That being said, use your running shoes for just that: running. Don’t wear them for a 10K on Saturday and then to the mall on Sunday. They will wear out twice as fast. When shoes start to wear out and they continue to be worn, injuries can happen. If that happens, give us a call. Happy running!


It’s important to make sure your feet are well-cared for when you run. To learn more about how to take care of your feet while you run, check out this month’s newsletter.

At the first sign of foot and ankle pain or problems, stop and visit a podiatrist. To schedule an appointment with one of the podiatrists at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center, call our office at (919) 850-9111 or use our online Request an Appointment form. We serve patients from Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest in Wake County, NC and surrounding communities in and around the Raleigh-Durham Area and the rest of North Carolina. Hablamos Español.

Run a Little – It Feels Good!

Running for exercise is, mostly, very good for us. Increasing heart rate, building stronger muscles and bones, and releasing endorphins are all things that keep us fit. The best news of all? ANY kind of running is good!! You don’t need to run wind sprints or complete marathons, you just need to get your body parts moving a tick faster than usual. Fast walking, jogging, or just periodic running during a walk will all increase your fitness level. And guess what? It’ll feel good, too!

So, run a little. Your body, and mind, will thank you.

Make sure you take care of your feet when you run!

It’s important to make sure your feet are well-cared for when you run. To learn more about how to take care of your feet while you run, check out this month’s newsletter.

At the first sign of foot and ankle pain or problems, stop and visit a podiatrist. To schedule an appointment with one of the podiatrists at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center, call our office at (919) 850-9111 or use our online Request an Appointment form. We serve patients from Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest in Wake County, NC and surrounding communities in and around the Raleigh-Durham Area and the rest of North Carolina. Hablamos Español.

Have Diabetes? Give Your Feet the Royal Treatment!

Diabetic Foot Checks

Diabetes and feet—not always a match made in heaven, right? Well, let’s think about it a minute. Indeed, diabetes can make feet more vulnerable to life’s little problems, but, what if you gave your feet the “VIP treatment”? Would they respond?

The answer is usually yes. Like any other part of your life, special attention often pays off. Daily foot checks at home, regular professional skin and nail care, and annual podiatrist visits are all good ways to make your feet happy.

The whole secret to managing diabetes and feet is preventable maintenance. Just like your car, having a professional “look under the hood” regularly can keep you moving smoothly on down the road.

So, stop worrying. Let your podiatrist do the worrying for you! It’s his or her job to guide you on your foot health. It’s a simple task to give yourself priceless peace of mind.

Shoe Drive for the Holidays

Soles4Souls InternationalSoles4Souls Domestic

The Holiday Season is upon us, and with it comes a time of giving and caring. This holiday season, Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center is partnering with Soles4Souls to collect shoes for children and adults in need all around the world.

We all have a pair of shoes or two sitting in the back of our closet, unworn in the past year. This year, instead of throwing them out or letting them sit unused, donate them and give the gift of shoes to a child or adult in need.

Throughout the month of November, bring your gently used shoes of any style or size to Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center and drop them in the bin located in our waiting room.

Your old shoes provide new opportunities in your hometown and give new hope in 127 countries around the world.

Soles4Souls is a Non-Profit Organization based out of Tennessee. They work to distribute shoes to people in need both domestically across the United States and internationally in countries all around the world. To learn more about what they do, visit their website.

For more information about the shoe drive, call our office at (919) 850-9111.

I Saw a Patient Today…

Don't spend too much of today in yesterday.

I saw a patient today who came in for a chronic ingrown toenail. When we began to go over her medical history, it turned out that she had one particular episode about 20 years ago, which she seems never to have gotten over. This was a surgical procedure which she felt did not turn out exactly as she had wanted. Unfortunately, she could not seem to get past this event even though it was 20 years in the past. It almost seems as if every problem she had in the present was somehow related to that problem in the past. In taking her medical history, I just could not seem to get past this issue with her. Surprisingly, this is not uncommon. For this reason I have installed a little sign in each of my treatment rooms that says, “Don’t spend too much of today in yesterday”.

We all have limits in our lives. Each of us has a limited amount of money, time, physical energy, and even emotional energy. I have found that if we spend too much of this capital in the past, we do not have it available when we need it in the present. For example, if we have spent all of our money in the past, we will not have it when we need it for future uncertain events. In the same way, if we spend all of our emotional energy on trying to resolve an issue from the past, which we can actually never do, then we do not have that energy available to help us when something new comes up.

I have often suggested to my patients that they plan a session where they talk to me or some other trusted person as much as they want to about the past event trying to cover it in as much detail as possible. I tell them to go into as much detail as they feel is necessary, but at the end of that conversation, we will agree not discuss it again. It is then a good idea for them to not allow their mind to return to that event again. This is not easy to do, but one of my favorite preachers used to say that we spend too much time listening to ourselves and not enough talking to ourselves.

If we can accomplish totally putting these types of events behind us, and yes, even forgiving those who are associated with it, then our present lives will improve immeasurably and we will then have all of our available energies to address present problems and concerns, rather than just a portion of it.

I had one patient years ago who dropped by several months following just such a conversation and said that because of putting her particular traumatic event behind her that life had, after 20 years, taken a very positive turn. I know that this has worked for me and perhaps it may for you as well.

End of Year Insurance Reminder

The holidays are fast approaching, and with them, the New Year. Most of your flexible spending and deductible insurance benefits will be resetting at the end of the year. Why let a good thing go unused? We want to remind you that if you have any foot or ankle problems, now is the time to come in for a visit.


Take advantage of your insurance benefits now! Get yourself a pair of custom orthotics, look into laser treatment for your toenail fungus, or heal that heel pain with Shockwave Therapy. Whatever your problem, if it’s foot and ankle related, we can help.


Call our office at (919) 850-9111 or request an appointment on our website between now and the end of the year in order to take advantage of those benefits before they disappear.


Request an Appointment

Our goal is to help you, our patients, receive the best foot and ankle care possible. Please call us if you have any questions!

Runner’s Toenails

Running feet in fall


You wake up before the sun is up, toe the line, the gun fires, and you start that race you have been training months for.

The weather is perfect.  The crowds cheer you on, and you cross the finish with a big smile or possibly a tear in your eye as emotion overtakes you. Maybe it’s your first race or your 50th, but nothing beats that feeling of crossing the line with friends and strangers cheering you on in rock star fashion!

You celebrate and get a much deserved night’s rest. You awake the next morning with that continued feeling of accomplishment, a little sore, and then you look down at your feet. Aaaahhhhhhhhh! What is going on in the toenail department?

“Runner’s toe” has stricken! That black and blue toenail situation that might also have your toenail lifting from the bed. Must runners, especially distance runners, have experienced or are familiar with the condition. Make sure your shoe is the appropriate size and fit. If your toenail is not painful, no treatment is necessary, but keep in mind: you might lose the toenail. If it is painful or you see signs of infection, get your foot checked by a podiatrist. We treat lots of runners with toenail problems and will do everything we can to keep you running. Cheers!