Category Archives: Podiatry

Bunions: Not a Runner’s Problem Anymore

Running with bunions is possible if you properly care for your feet!

What a Pain

Painful bunions can be a problem for anyone, but runners can really struggle with discomfort due to bunions while trying to get in their miles. The good news is that there are things that can help alleviate the discomfort and keep you running. If discomfort cannot be alleviated, it may be time to see a foot doctor, and we are here to help.

If the Shoe Fits…It Makes All the Difference

Probably the most important aspect of minimizing bunion pain is proper shoe fit. A bunion is a prominence at the big toe joint of the foot. As a bunion develops, shoes may start to rub the side of the foot, causing pain and redness. It is important to head to a running store for your next pair of shoes if this is the case. Having a professional fit you for a properly fitting running shoe can make a huge impact on running pain free.

Pad Your Feet for Extra Pain Relief

There are also a number of pads that can be used to protect the foot from rubbing in shoe gear, as well as toe spacers to help realign the big toe. These devices can help, but only if used consistently. Existing shoes can also be taken to a shoe repair store or pedorthic facility for modification to stretch or split the shoe, to provide more room in the toe box. Anti-inflammatory medicines and pain creams can be helpful in reducing pain. (Before you start taking medicines, however, consult a doctor to see what move is best for you.)

We’re Here for You

If, despite all best efforts you continue to have pain, it’s time to visit a podiatrist. We at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center are here to keep you active and pain free. Make an appointment today and let us develop a plan to allow you to keep logging those miles!

To schedule your appointment, call us at (919) 850-9111 or visit our website to Request an Appointment.

Wisdom From a Patient

I’ve decided over the last several years that there is a wealth of wisdom in my patients. They each have a story that is sometimes and example of how not to live. More often, however, it is one packed with examples of how to live well and live productively, even without much in the way of resources. How to live a life of value in this community while the odds are stacked against them.


Most of their stories are not of actions in the “cure for cancer” category, but of lives of principle lived quietly, which may have positively affected just a few – or even a single individual. If I didn’t take the time occasionally to stop and get to personally know patients, (despite the ever increasing medical documentation requirements placed on doctors), I would have missed a great deal of wisdom and inspiration. In fact, I sort of regret not starting sooner.


Many of these stories involve long term difficulties or illness. An almost excessively cheerful patient I saw a few years ago was a survivor of the Holocaust as a 6 year old. Her stories were horrifying, so it was hard for me to reconcile her joy with her past. She told me our attitudes are choices, while our circumstances may not be. She chose not to let her past define how she lived her life each day, other than to use the lessons learned effectively. One of my favorite preachers has said that most of us spend too much time listening to ourselves and not enough time talking to ourselves.


I asked her to come in at lunch to speak to our staff, to which she graciously agreed. I think that all of us benefited immensely. She gave us some history, some philosophy, some encouragement, and some advice. What I left with was that one of the most engaging people I’ve ever met came with a story that could have made her bitter, angry, and negative. She’s gone now, but I’m better for having known her.


Dr. Hatcher is one of the podiatrists at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center. The podiatrists at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center are able to help you with all of your foot and ankle problems and needs. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Hatcher or one of the other doctors in our office, call our office at (919) 850-9111 or request an appointment on our website.

Home Remedy vs. Treatment: Which is Better?

Let a podiatrist check out any foot conditions you may have.

Many of us at some point in our lives will develop a hard spot on the bottom of our foot. It could be a callus, wart, clogged sweat gland, or some other skin disorder. The key is to have a diagnosis before treatment starts. All too often we head to the drugstore and pick up a lotion to apply. A lot of money and time can be spent on trying to deal with a skin problem on the foot. After months of trying to home treat with no results, many will make an appointment with a doctor.


I think what most people are worried about what is involved in the treatment of their condition. Most treatments are easy and painless, but the correct diagnosis is important to focus the treatment plan. This will save you time and money. Most patients are very surprised at the end of their visit and question themselves as to why they waited so long.


If you are diabetic, it is especially important to have your feet inspected. That little hard spot could be the sign that a shoe is rubbing your foot, and those spots can become sores if not properly managed. Often it’s simply finding the right shoe or modifying the current shoe. The key is to get the small stuff checked out before it evolves into a bigger problem.


The doctors and staff at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center are dedicated to helping you and your feet feel and look better. So the next time you notice a problem with your foot, save yourself the headache and expense of trying to deal with the problem on your own and make an appointment.

What Is This Thing On My Foot?!

What is this thing on my foot?

Corns, calluses, warts, blisters, diabetes, skin cancer? The human foot is complex, and this includes the skin. It is not uncommon to have a lump or bump, or an odd discoloration on our feet. These symptoms can reveal lots of information – fungus, dry skin, skin injury, foreign body, or circulation concerns.


Yes, that “little thing on my foot” may be nothing, but it also could be “something”. Come have one of our doctors take a look. We see these kinds of things every day and will be able to help you feel at ease.


We are foot doctors. Let us help your feet!


To schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists, please call our office at (919) 850-9111 or use our online Request an Appointment form. We serve patients from Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest in Wake County, NC and surrounding communities in and around the Raleigh-Durham Area and the rest of North Carolina. Hablamos Español.


At Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center, we are dedicated to giving our patients the information they need to get back on their feet as soon as possible. Our goal is to educate you so that you better understand your foot and ankle injuries. Our informational brochures will help you learn what it takes to be back to the activities you love in no time at all. If you would like your free copies of our brochures, please request your copies here!

The Best Shoe for Your Feet

How to choose the right shoes for your feet

My patients often ask me which is the best running shoe. That is a tough question for me to answer, because as a runner I have my personal preferences. Put enough miles on a shoe, and you will know what I’m talking about. All shoe brands for the most part offer cushioning shoes as well as stability shoes. The key is to get some guidance in how to choose the right shoe.

If you are serious about running and taking care of your feet so you can keep on running, I have some advice. See a foot doctor if you are having foot problems and consider visiting a specialty running store for your next running shoe purchase. It will take trying on a few different pairs of shoes to discover which is the best fit, and fit is key.

Keep in mind that a good shoe does not always equal a high price tag. Too often I hear patients talking about how they don’t buy cheap shoes and always get the more expensive models. Proper fit and the right shoe for your feet is most important; that can be found at many different price points.

Another important point to consider is that running shoes do have a lifespan. Consistent running puts a lot of wear and tear on your shoes. The average shoe lifespan is considered to be 300-500 miles. That being said, use your running shoes for just that: running. Don’t wear them for a 10K on Saturday and then to the mall on Sunday. They will wear out twice as fast. When shoes start to wear out and they continue to be worn, injuries can happen. If that happens, give us a call. Happy running!


It’s important to make sure your feet are well-cared for when you run. To learn more about how to take care of your feet while you run, check out this month’s newsletter.

At the first sign of foot and ankle pain or problems, stop and visit a podiatrist. To schedule an appointment with one of the podiatrists at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center, call our office at (919) 850-9111 or use our online Request an Appointment form. We serve patients from Raleigh, Cary and Wake Forest in Wake County, NC and surrounding communities in and around the Raleigh-Durham Area and the rest of North Carolina. Hablamos Español.

Have Diabetes? Give Your Feet the Royal Treatment!

Diabetic Foot Checks

Diabetes and feet—not always a match made in heaven, right? Well, let’s think about it a minute. Indeed, diabetes can make feet more vulnerable to life’s little problems, but, what if you gave your feet the “VIP treatment”? Would they respond?

The answer is usually yes. Like any other part of your life, special attention often pays off. Daily foot checks at home, regular professional skin and nail care, and annual podiatrist visits are all good ways to make your feet happy.

The whole secret to managing diabetes and feet is preventable maintenance. Just like your car, having a professional “look under the hood” regularly can keep you moving smoothly on down the road.

So, stop worrying. Let your podiatrist do the worrying for you! It’s his or her job to guide you on your foot health. It’s a simple task to give yourself priceless peace of mind.

End of Year Insurance Reminder

The holidays are fast approaching, and with them, the New Year. Most of your flexible spending and deductible insurance benefits will be resetting at the end of the year. Why let a good thing go unused? We want to remind you that if you have any foot or ankle problems, now is the time to come in for a visit.


Take advantage of your insurance benefits now! Get yourself a pair of custom orthotics, look into laser treatment for your toenail fungus, or heal that heel pain with Shockwave Therapy. Whatever your problem, if it’s foot and ankle related, we can help.


Call our office at (919) 850-9111 or request an appointment on our website between now and the end of the year in order to take advantage of those benefits before they disappear.


Request an Appointment

Our goal is to help you, our patients, receive the best foot and ankle care possible. Please call us if you have any questions!

Nail Your Unsightly Fungus {NOW} In Time for Summer


I want to briefly explore nail fungus, as it’s a common topic we discuss with our patient. It’s often times as a secondary or tertiary concern to their main ailment of foot and ankle pain. Fungus in the nail can appear as white, dark or yellowing of the nail, with thickened, brittle, crumbly or ragged appearance. It is often times caused by a dermatophyte fungus, as they like to live in warm, moist environments like showers, swimming pools, and shoes. They can also invade through small cuts in the skin and separations between nail and nail bed.

Fungus more frequently affects toenails as they are usually exposed to the environment fungus likes to breed in, they have less blood flow, and the immune system can have more difficulty detecting the fungus. Risk factors of developing fungus include:

  • Age
  • Perspiration
  • Working in moist environments
  • Wearing shoes and socks that don’t allow proper ventilation or absorb moisture
  • Living with someone with fungus
  • Walking barefoot in damp communal areas such as showers, pools and gyms
  • Having athlete’s foot infection
  • Other conditions such as diabetes, circulation problems, and weakened immune system.

Prevention can sometimes be accomplished by washing your feet regularly, wearing socks and shoes that absorb sweat and reduce humidity, discarding old shoes, using antifungal sprays in your shoes, not going barefoot in public areas, not using nail polish or artificial nails (with the exception of KerryFlex nails), and utilizing only sterile nail salons, like the one featured at Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center. Current treatments include topical medication, oral medication, and laser treatments. For any patient who is truly ready to get rid of their fungus, I recommend a synergistic approach of utilizing all three types of treatment, including antifungal spray for shoes. This gives the best chance of treating the fungus from all angles, getting rid of the fungus and keeping it away. It can take 6 months to notice treatment effectiveness, and up to a year to completely resolve, so get treated today to have beautiful nails for next summer!


Don’t forget about Raleigh Foot & Ankle Center’s laser special, going on during the month of October: come in and get laser treatment THIS MONTH and receive a FREE toenail care kit.



Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet

Trick or Treat

Remember trick-or-treating as a kid? Going from door to door, ringing the bell, and the old saying, “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!” Well smelly feet can be a real problem. Smelly feet tend to cause problems for people with excessively sweaty feet and people whose feet spend too much time in enclosed shoes. If your feet are always smelly, you might want to try asking your doctor if there is anything he can do for you. Wash your feet daily with soap and water, and dry them well. That way, you can enjoy your Halloween smell-free, and focus on the costumes, candy, and fun with the kids.

For solutions on how to rid yourself of smelly feet, try making an appointment or browsing solutions in our online store.

Cheers to Fall and the Beginning of Marathon Season

Fall Marathon Runner

Cool crisp mornings and the changing of the leaves not only signifies the beginning of fall, but also the marathon season. On a recent long run, I spent some time really thinking about this season. I have a few marathons under my belt these days, but I remember my first – almost 17 years ago – like it was yesterday. Not only because it was my first marathon, but I was training and running with a beautiful young woman I had recently met (who is now my wife).

She really jump-started my passion for running long before I was a podiatrist, or even thinking about podiatry school. Thank goodness it was an amazing experience, and any runners out there that have completed a marathon can relate to that life changing moment when you push past all the pain and cross the finish line. Back then, I did not give much thought to shoes, training, or injuries. However, these days as a podiatrist that races in marathons and triathlons, this topic is high on my priority list!

Those of you out there packing on the mileage and preparing for a race, please listen to your feet. Foot pain when running is not normal and ignoring it can prevent you from finishing or possibly even starting that important race. If you are experiencing pain, get it checked out sooner rather than later. Often, there are treatments that can keep you running. Trust me when I tell you as a doctor and a runner, you do not want to train hard and miss that glorious finish. Cheers to fall!